A memorable Christmas Eve

CHRISTMAS 2023 may be behind us, but there are plenty of Christmasses yet to come, and Somerset’s hilarious and multi-talented Living Spit are coming to Dorchester to transport you to their own version of the best-loved of all festival tales, Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, at the Corn Exchange on Friday 5th and Pound Arts at Corsham on Saturday 6th January.

Despite the very sad news of the death of co-founder and comedy acting treasure Howard Coggins, Living Spit is back on the road, with Howard’s partner in theatrical crime Stu Mcloughlin joined by Bristol actor Craig Edwards.

Hard-hearted Ebenezer Scrooge hates the season of goodwill. Until a visit from three phantoms one memorable Christmas Eve makes him rethink his miserly ways and turn his wicked life upside down … blah blah blah.

We all know the story … we’ve all seen the film(s) … but you’ve got a New Year treat in store with Craig Edwards’ unique take on Dickens’ anti-hero. He is bringing Stu Mcloughlin along for the ride to dress up, sing, dance and generally act like a complete idiot while playing ALL the other parts.