Breaking out of Ibsen’s dolls house

IBSEN’S play A Dolls House caused a social and political storm when it first opened in 1879 and has continued to excite comment and attract numerous versions and adaptations ever since. Frome Drama Club has chosen Irish writer Frank McGuinness’s 1996 version to perform at the Merlin Theatre from 16th to 18th November

Directed by John Palmer, it is set over Christmas in mid-19th century Norway, in the hope of
Nora and Torvald Helmer. They appear to be happily married, although the vibrant, but naive Nora is cripplingly dependent on her banker husband. With the best of intentions – and without her husband’s knowledge – Nora forges Torvald’s signature to arrange a loan. The outcome is inevitable, and leads to in a spectacular confrontation between the couple. They must both face the reality of what their marriage, and Nora’s life as a wife, mother and daughter, has been.

In one of the most famous and scandalous climaxes in all of19th century drama, Nora leaves her husband, determined to forge a new identity on her own.

Frank McGuinness’s bold and brilliant version won four Tony Awards on Broadway.

The Frome production features FDC actors Anita Constantine as Nora and Richard Thomas as Torvald, with Lisa Scammell, Stephen Scammell, Tim Carter, Mary O’Malley, Bozsi Davis and Harry Harman.

Performances are nightly at 7.30.

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