Fireside Theatre’s 17th season

THE Verwood-based Fireside Theatre marks the start of its 17th season with a reading of Hidden Fortress, at the home of Mary Hindmarch on Wednesday 13th September.

Set in 1950, a group of English tourists are on holiday in Austria and take a ride out into the country on a minibus. They stray in to Communist Hungary and arrive at an empty hunting lodge … and then the bus driver disappears. The reading had been intended for March, but was postponed because of bad weather.

If you would like to take part or listen, telephone 01202 813565.

The 2023-24 season continues on Wednesday 4th October with JB Priestley’s Dangerous Corner, followed by an evening of three one-act plays on 1st November and William Douglas Home’s The Reluctant Debutante on 6th December.

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