IT is easy to look at a stone quarry and see nothing but destruction – a great scar in the landscape. But Andy Littler, geologist, chartered engineer and quarry manager, has a very different story to tell when he comes to Sladers Yard arts centre at West Bay, on Thursday 29th August, to give the next in the series of HOP – Help Our Planet – talks, starting at 7pm.
With a passion for natural history, Andy has pioneered the restoration of quarries back to biodiverse habitats across the UK for 40 years=. There are 2000 active and worked-out quarries across the UK, representing a huge opportunity to create specialist habitats where native flora and fauna can thrive.
Andy, who lives in Charmouth, wrote the first Quarry Biodiversity Action Plans in the UK and also assisted the South African government in forming their national plan. He runs courses for quarry professionals on the subject and was a trustee with two county wildlife trusts. Today he sits on the Dorset Wildlife Trust conservation committee and engages in practical volunteering.
He is currently working on quarry restoration projects along Puddletown Rd, Wareham, and at Chard. His HOP talk will be richly illustrated, and he will be happy to take questions on this or about quarrying and minerals generally.
A hot supper and bar will be available from 6pm. For tickets – proceeds to Dorset Wildlife Trust – please call 01308 459511 or email