Inter-generational celebrations, 21st century style

THE Frome-based Really Truly Theatre Company burst onto the theatrical scene with Lockdown Blues at Frome last summer and Bath’s Elevate Festival in March this year, and no sooner had the six actresses brought the curtain down in Bath’s 1865 pop-up theatre than they began rehearsals for the next show, Celebrate Me.

Polly Lamb has written both plays – the first an amalgamation of the six monologues she wrote during lockdown, about the effect the global pandemic had on the lives of women in rural communities in Somerset, and the second about the family dynamics of the 21st century.

Celebrate Me has its premiere at Frome’s Merlin Theatre on Thursday 8th and Bath Rondo on Friday 9th June. Polly says it’s about the situation where both older and younger member of families needs help with living, at the same time, with the result that women reach an age when they have anticipated a bit of freedom, and find instead they are looking after both their parents and their children, often in one house.

Barbara is 92 and her birthday celebrations are in full swing. Her daughter Laura is doing everything, and buckling. Laura’s sister Michelle is sipping herbal tea and aligning her chakras. Unbeknown to them, Barbara and her granddaughter Sophie are planning an alternative celebration.

Find out more by booking your ticket for Celebrate Me. If it’s anything like as entertaining as Lockdown Blues, you will be in for a treat.