Light in the landscape

THE Christmas and New Year exhibition at Sladers Yard gallery at West Bay features work by gallery regulars including Vanesa Gardiner, Martyn Brewster, Alex Lowery and the gallery’s resident furniture designer-maker Petter Southall. The exhibition, Radiance, continues to 21st January.

The title indicates the theme, celebrating light in the landscape, which seems welcome at this traditionally darkest period of the year, and particularly at a time when the world is in an exceptionally dark place.

It is a fascinating selection, from the subtle town and landscapes of Alex Lowery, the geometric precision of Vanessa Gardiner’s timeless coastal scenes, the energy and emotional power of Louise Balaam’s landscapes, the dramatic colour of Martin Brewster’s powerful abstracts, the textures of Frances Hatch’s seascapes and the charm and deceptive simplicity of Julian Bailey’s colourful pictures.

The exhibition also includes recent work by Petter Southall, including a new refectory table exploring simple lines and natural textures. There are sculptures by Clare Trenchard, textile art, and work by the gallery’s regular potters and ceramicists, including Gabriele Koch, Yo Thom and Adela Powell.

Pictured: Alex Lowery, Portland 169. 2023. oil on linen; Vanessa Gardiner, Cliff Wall, acrylic on board; Petter Southall, four-legged stools in interesting hewn oak with tactile bandsaw kerf and washed sanded finish.