Lighthouse gig for rising folk stars

NEW folk duo Good Habits come to Poole’s Lighthouse arts centre on Wednesday 22nd May, as part of a tour that is supported by Help Musicians, PRS, The Alan Surtees Trust and The Bert Jansch Foundation.

One of the UK’s most exciting new names on the folk scene, Good Habits have been winning awards and international acclaim with their genre-fusing sound, over the three years they have been performing, even allowing for the months they spent happily stranded in New Zealand during the Covid pandemic.

Bonnie Schwarz (cello and vocals) and Pete Shaw (accordion) mix virtuosic musicianship and vocal harmony with vivid storytelling, drawing on their diverse musical tastes and weaving them into an action-packed narrative of folky goodness.

Since returning home in 2022 they’ve been on a mission to spread their joyous music throughout Europe, touring relentlessly around the UK and continental Europe performing at festivals including Glastonbury, Cambridge Folk Festival and Shrewsbury Folk Festival and internationally, including on Cuba.

The duo spent the last year working hard on new material, collaborating and exploring their love of world-folk music. Pete has been diving into klezmer music, while Bonnie has been exploring the world of folk-cello, learning directly from her idol and mentor Ayanna Witter-Johnson, and investigating alternative cello tunings.