Poisonous fun with a classic murder mystery

ONE of the classic murder mysteries is the choice of Dorchester Drama for the pre-Christmas production at the Corn Exchange, on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th November at 7.30m, with a Saturday matinee at 2.30.

Joseph Kesselring’s Arsenic and Old Lace promises the audience a murderously good time in the company of spinster sisters Abby and Martha Brewster and their eccentric nephew Teddy, living in a quiet New England neighbourhood.

Best known as the 1944 film starring Cary Grant, Priscilla Lane and Peter Lorre, it is both a love story – the sisters’ other nephew Mortimer and neighbour Elaine – and a farcical tale of dark deeds.

The Brewsters are a seriously dysfunctional family and nothing is at it seems. The aunts have an unusual way of ‘helping’ the neighbourhood’s elderly gentlemen, Teddy believes he is Theodore Roosevelt and is trying to dig the Panama Canal in the cellar and there is a third nephew, the psychopathic Jonathan, whose arrival sets everything in a spin.

The monstrous Jonathan is played by Sean Colledge, a member of Dorchester Drama for several years, who describes his serial killer role as “great fun!” He says: “I haven’t played a villain before so it’s really good being the antagonist for a change.”

The sweet sisters are played by Barbara Proctor and Dee Thorne who have to blend the spinsters’ innocence with their careless acknowledgement of their crimes, believing that what they do is the best thing for society.

The roles of Mortimer and Elaine are played by Sam Kelly and Eve Staddon.

Director Ollie Hickey says: “It’s going to be a great night out – a perfect and very funny way to lift an autumn evening, even if the subject matter is a bit dark at times!”

For tickets telephone 01305 266926 or visit dorchesterarts.org.uk

Rehearsal pictures show: Eva Staddon as Elaine, Jordan Wiseman as Theodore and Sam Kelly as Mortimer; Monica Procter and Dee Thorne as the Brewster sisters



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