Priestley’s Corner at the Fireside

THE Verwood-based Fireside Theatre has chosen JB Priestley’s first play, the now-classic 1932 Dangerous Corner, for its October reading, on Wednesday 4th at the home of Margaret and Tony Wilson.

It’s the perfect play for the group, set at a social evening among friends. In the play, a chance remark opens up awkward questions, as one guest tries to find the truth about the death of a brother. The result is another death. The same scene is repeated, but this time the ‘dangerous corner’ is bypassed, as the chance remark is never made, and the second death is averted. This is the first example of the playwright’s speciality – playing with time to create a different outcome. How useful that might have been in the last few years …

If you would like to attend, telephone 01202 976532.

Fireside’s next plays include a group of one act plays grouped as Another Night at Seven, in November, and The Reluctant Debutante in December.

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