Sherlock in Whitechapel

THE ever-adventurous Barn Theatre at Cirencester is venturing into the foggy and sinister world of London’s Whitechapel, in Victorian times, in a new comedy thriller, Sherlock Holmes and the Whitechapel Fiend, on stage to Saturday 9th March.

The world premiere Built By Barn production of Toby Hulse & Ross Smith’s play Sherlock Holmes and the Whitechapel Fiend, is directed by Drama Desk Award nominee Adam Meggido (of Peter Pan Goes Wrong and Showstopper! The Improvised Musical).

The play is set in a world in which Conan Doyle’s fictional Victorian London, in an act of wild fantasy, collides with the actual London of 1888 and the Whitechapel murders. The two-act comedy mercilessly mines the familiar cliches of the Sherlock Holmes stories while ruthlessly exposing the lurid press-fuelled fictions of the Jack the Ripper industry.

The multi-talented cast, several playing many different roles, is Chloe Tannenbaum, Joseph Chance, Helen Foster and Philip Pellew.

Photographs by Alex Tabrizi.